Writing workshop for youth in Nordic countries 2018

islensk dansk suomi samegiella

norsk kalaallisut foroyskt svenska

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Writing workshop for youth in Nordic countries
30 July — 4 August 2018

Biskops Arnö invites young writers from all Nordic countries to participate in a one-week course in summer 2018. They will read, write and discuss their texts together with six Nordic writers who function as teachers on the course.

Participation is all free. Also the staying including meals and the travel to and from the school is covered by Nordisk ministerråd, and all free for the participants.

The work will take place in both smaller language groups concentrating on one or a few related languages but also in fellow lectures where all languages will be represented.

The writers/teachers are:

Sigbjørn Skåden, Sami and Norwegian
Jessie Kleemann, Greenlandic and Danish
Rakel Helmsdal, Faroese
Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Icelandic
Athena Farrokzhad, Swedish
Oscar Rossi, Finnish and Swedish

To participate you need to apply with a text. All applicants will be read by the writers who teach on the course. The writers will then decide who will be invited to participate.

Please find detailed instructions for application in the langauge folders on top of this page (click a flag to view or download a folder).

All applicants will be notified in the middle of May whether they can participate in the course or not.

Welcome to send us your text and application!







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